
Dear Valued First Vision Shareholder,

The annual shareholders’ meeting of First Vision Financial, Inc. will be held on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at 5:30pm at our Tullahoma office located at 1401 N. Jackson Street, Tullahoma, Tennessee. Shareholders of our Ordinary Common (OC) class of stock as of March 31, 2024, will be eligible to vote for election of Class I Directors and the ratification of our accounting firm.

I am pleased to report another year of record earnings in 2023 of $5.8 million. Our assets increased to $461 million, Net loans increased to $357 million, and total deposits increased to $392 million by year end. Return on Assets and Return on Equity were 1.35% and 14.79% respectively. Delinquent loans and charge-offs continue to be minimal. Capital continues to grow through earnings with earnings per share at $3.60 per share.

Unfortunately, First Vision lost one of our founding Directors, Mike Niederhauser, in December 2023 to complications from cancer treatments. Mr. Niederhauser was a dedicated member of our Board, serving since our organization in 2005. He was also a dedicated member of our communities. He is missed tremendously by our Bank family.

Also, this year Mr. Coyle Clark will be retiring from the First Vision Board of Directors. Mr. Clark has been a dedicated Director of our bank since our organization in 2005. His knowledge of accounting, business, and the Franklin County community has been invaluable to this bank. Heather Crenshaw, CPA, has been selected to replace Mr. Clark and is put forth for approval at this shareholders meeting.

I would like to thank our entire First Vision staff for their dedication to providing the best customer service to our customers.

We invite you to attend our annual meeting to hear about the great things happening at First Vision. We are mailing you this letter, a copy of the Notice of Annual Meeting, and, for those holding ordinary common stock, a proxy card. If you are a holder of ordinary common stock, please sign, date, and return the proxy in the enclosed postage paid envelope. Returning your proxy will not affect your right to vote in person in the event you are able to attend.

On behalf of your Board of Directors, we urge you to vote FOR Proposals 1 and 2 which are described in the Proxy Statement and listed on the Proxy Card. As always, we appreciate your business, your referrals, and your continued confidence in First Vision.

Mike Roland CEO/President

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